“Three Step Progression”


Tactical Problem: Locating the open space in  opponent’s court

Skill development: Anticipating opponent’s play into the open space



Half-court Singles



  • students play half court singles
  • there will be a movement factor introduced a three stages of the exercise
  • students must follow the movement guidelines (see modifications etc. for details)


“orange” plays and then                 (b) “yellow” plays and

                moves to the net and back                 does the same            

   The same is then done with movement to the back of the court and then to the center of the court. 

Organizational Points: 

  • students are in groups of 2
  • after instructions are given and the movement guidelines are clear students return to their courts and begin play
  • students are to only use the half-court

Teaching Points: 

Ø      Q: “Where was it hardest to play defense from?”

A: “From the front or back of the court”

Ø      Q: “Why?”

A: “Because my opponent just plays the shuttle deep if I’m at the net or short if I’m at the back.”

Ø      Q: “Where were you the most prepared to play any shot from your opponent?”

A: “Somewhere near the middle of the court (this may vary from student to student but the general location should be similar.”


Modifications / Refinements / Progressions:

  • Step 1: students start the exercise by moving to net and back into the court after every shot they play
  • Step 2: students must move to the back of the court after every shot they play
  • Step 3: students are to return to the point on the court where they feel they have the greatest success at playing an opponent’s shot after every shot they make (this will tend to be a central location)
  • Bring the students in and discuss levels of success during each of the three steps

Ø      direct the students to finding their own “base position” (each student’s may be different)